Bankers Almanac® Global Payments Resource


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Research Payments Faster With a Single, Comprehensive Look-up Tool

The information you need to setup, route and repair payments worldwide

Bankers Almanac Global Payments Resource

Bankers Almanac® Global Payments Resource is the online look-up tool that provides accurate banking and payments routing information for almost 200,000 financial institutions worldwide. It is updated daily with changes to national clearing codes, bank branches, standard settlement instructions and more.

Payments specialists can quickly find all the information they need to setup, route, and repair payments worldwide. All this data is readily available in one dedicated tool. 

Contact sales to access your free 14-day trial today.


Use this solution to save time on manual research, for example when onboarding a supplier or repairing a failed payment. With the latest bank information including global routing and payments reference data, you can be confident that you can make payments efficiently and accurately.

Bankers Almanac® Global Payments Resource provides payments professionals all the details they need to:

  • Manually validate and enrich payments data to increase payments accuracy
  • Research why payments failed, and quickly find the information needed to repair them
  • Determine the information needed to route payments accurately and cost effectively


Bankers Almanac® Global Payments Resource includes:

  • Intuitive user interface — Universal search makes it easy to find the financial institution and data you are looking for. The tool works seamlessly with most internet browsers.
  • Global banking data — SWIFT/BICs, CHIPS UIDs, bank address, bank codes, and more for financial institutions worldwide.
  • Payments routing data — Detailed information about clearing system memberships, standard settlement instructions, and correspondent banking details.
  • IBAN validation — Validate if an account number contains errors with the Bankers Almanac IBAN Complete add-on subscription. Match SWIFT/BICs and bank details to IBANs.

It also has many time-saving features such as predictive name search, enhanced filtering options, and partial code searches.

For more information, download our Bankers Almanac® Global Payments Resource brochure.

More Information

Bankers Almanac® Global Payments Resource Brochure

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